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Messages - Russ

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 37
Welcome Center / Re: Hello From Missouri
« on: January 14, 2020, 07:49:11 pm »
Greetings Mulejumper!

Glad you stopped by.  January has arrived, stay warm!

User Projects & Pictures / Re: waste oil heat for my shop
« on: January 08, 2020, 09:12:48 pm »
I think you are probably getting a cleaner burn when you have white ash left.  I have never experienced it, but I hear the fire can take a toll on steel.  Not sure if stainless is really that much better.  Give one of the thrift store pans a try and let us know!

Welcome Center / Re: Hello from WV
« on: December 30, 2019, 09:59:06 pm »
Greetings kal!

Hope you can find a pump for your burner so you can get it fired up.  Good luck with your project!

Keep warm and stay safe!

Wow, yea that sounds like it is putting out some serious heat.  Thanks for sharing!

User Projects & Pictures / Re: waste oil heat for my shop
« on: December 17, 2019, 09:09:26 pm »
Sounds like you are pulling most all of the heat that you can out with that exchanger.  Burn pot certainly has a lot of junk in there.  Looks different form my boiler.  Just white fine powder ash left.  Must be the way it is burning.  Hope your insulation keeps the shop nice and warm.  Good luck with your project!

User Projects & Pictures / Re: waste oil heat for my shop
« on: December 15, 2019, 11:30:20 am »
Nice shop you have there!  Looks like you have a very nice space to work and will most certainly be more comfortable with some heat and even better, nearly free heat!

That is a very interesting design.  You mentioned that the heat exchanger might be a little over kill.  What temp is your flu running at?  I'd imagine if you are pulling most of the heat out, it is fairly low.

Great job on your heater and thanks for posting for others to see.  Good luck and stay warm!

Welcome Center / Re: Mike From NY
« on: December 15, 2019, 11:17:46 am »
Welcome to the Waste Oil Heater Forum smichaelR22!  Thanks for stopping by and saying hi.  I'll definitely be checking out your shop project, looks interesting!

Enjoy the forum!


User Projects & Pictures / Re: Repost of lost photos topic
« on: November 11, 2019, 09:53:58 pm »
Very detailed post, great job!  Thank you for taking the time and sharing!  Hard to believe it gets that cold that far south. Stay warm!


Welcome Center / Re: Another Newbee
« on: October 31, 2019, 01:18:34 pm »
I dont have much experience on the blast tube distance, but I agree with Doug on the metering pump.  I had a CL tank make a mess once and thats all it took to convince me.

Information & Updates / Moved to a new server!
« on: April 10, 2019, 05:58:02 pm »
If you are a regular to the site, you probably noticed the new look.  I had to move the forum to a new server.  In the process of the move I ran into several hurdles, so I ended up removing a couple of features from the forum.  One was the portal page showing the latest posts and the other was the theme on the site, neither of which were supported on the newer version of the forum software.  So this time around I am leaving the forum as stock as possible to avoid any future troubles.

An unfortunate side affect of moving the forum is that some of the attachments were lost.  It's along story, but it has to do with the way the FTP program FileZilla works in conjunction with the way SMF forum stores the attachments.  I unknowingly overwrote the files on the old host as well, so now all I have is corrupt files.  I had an old backup, but nothing very recent, so older posts will have working attachments but newer posts wont.  I am very sorry to those who took the time to post their projects and now their pictures are lost.

More info on the attachment and FileZilla problem:

Enjoy the forum and if you spot something that isnt working correctly, please let me know.


Welcome Center / Re: Hello from Ireland
« on: March 21, 2019, 09:31:18 pm »
Sounds like a nice setup with your Buderus.  Doug on the forum has one and I really like it, but have yet to find one for sale in my area.  My current Burnham has the swing open door as well.  Very handy for sure!  And good use of your old boiler as a backup.  Id love to see pictures of the new boiler if you get a chance.



Welcome Center / Re: Hello New to site
« on: March 18, 2019, 05:24:12 pm »
Greetings and glad you stopped by!  Enjoy the forum!


Waste Motor Oil / Re: Waste oil spill... What a mess!
« on: February 14, 2019, 09:42:19 pm »
Yea, I was in love with JB weld when I found out about it.  After the oil spill, not so much.

Commercial Waste Oil Heaters / Re: Lanair HL-140 Furnace
« on: February 06, 2019, 07:45:32 pm »
Greetings Rick!

Sounds like you have some experience under your belt with your Lanair. 

Burning as we speak here in MN!

Stay warm!


Welcome Center / Re: New user from the PNW
« on: January 31, 2019, 09:13:22 pm »
Howdy Rick!  Glad you stopped by.  It definitely sounds like you have some experience burning waste oil.  I dont have any experience with commercial heaters, but I know there are some people out here that do.  Enjoy the forum, stay warm and stay safe!



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