Author Topic: Howdy  (Read 15500 times)


  • Gettin' the fire started!
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« on: February 17, 2011, 08:51:58 pm »
I found and logged on to this site last night for the first time.  I live in the soggy Willamette Valley of Oregon. I hope to retire in two years, so I'm trying to save money and heat my playpen/shop at the same time so I can make things

I have a 70's vintage Coleman with a Wayne burner.  It worked well on HHO.  I originally employed the donna-mike WMO conversion and it worked fairly well as long as it wasn't too cold outside.  Recently I've had a lot of issues and feel my nozzles may be part of the problem.  They are old and I think the bronze screens are semi-plugged. I am planning to install a new one this weekend. 

I've also decided to dump my current short cut WMO method and get more sophisticated.  I made a 1" diameter x 4" aluminum pipe, pre-nozzle heater, that I am going to heat with a Mica heater.  I found a 52 gallon water heater that I have converted to inside oil storage and I have an Auber 2342 PID that was originally going to be used in my powder coating oven (another project).  For now, I hope to use the Auber for heater control once I figure the best wiring method.  At this time I plan to wrap a few coils of copper return line around the stove pipe to help heat the oil in the inside, intermediate tank.  I had thought about using the coiled pipe as a pre-heater but decided that would over work the OEM pump.  I'm hoping that once the shop is kept toasty for a while I won't need a pre-pump heater.  I could use the water heater elements but am reluctant, partially because of the extra electricity usage needed.  We'll see.

Well I've already written too much so I won't continue, I need to look for examples of wiring diagrams anyway.
