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Waste Motor Oil / Re: Waste ATF on stock unmodified beckett?
« Last post by Blaine on January 19, 2025, 11:03:19 pm »
 I was asking for a friend. He was trying to join this forum, but i think he never received a confirmation to join the group.
Waste Motor Oil / Re: Waste ATF on stock unmodified beckett?
« Last post by Russ on December 29, 2024, 05:11:21 pm »
Yes, I used to run a pressure system.  Basically everything stock with the exception of the heater block to heat the oil before it gets to the nozzle.  But if you are going through that work, would highly recommend a siphon conversion.

Here is my pressure system:

Waste Motor Oil / Waste ATF on stock unmodified beckett?
« Last post by Blaine on December 25, 2024, 10:28:31 pm »
I’m sure the ATF would need to be pre-heated, but has anyone used a beckett without doing a siphon nozzle conversion? If so, what modifications if any.

Thanks, Blaine
Waste Motor Oil / Re: DOT limits on transporting waste oil?
« Last post by Russ on November 22, 2024, 06:19:26 pm »
It's been pretty quiet out here since the addition of facebook groups and the like.  Sorry I don't have an answer for your question, I've never hauled all that much in a single trip to be concerned, but the unofficial answers I have heard are pretty conservative from what I understand.
Metering Pumps / Re: Building a metering pump
« Last post by Russ on November 22, 2024, 06:17:35 pm »
Greetings Gerry,

Yes, the metering pump just takes from a 55 gallon barrel of clean, filtered oil I have in the garage with no further heating.  The oil is always 45 degrees F or warmer from being in the garage and the CK kit handles it just fine.  Actually a siphon nozzle is running at a much lower pressure than a pressure system would.  But yes, the siphon nozzle atomizes very nice and fires nicely.  The nozzle heater keeps up perfectly fine.  I have a shallow burn chamber and was warned that I would have a long flame, but I have had no problems with that.  I positioned the burner as far back as possible with an extended burn tube and with the metering pump and air pressure control can dial in the perfect flame.

It has been so long that I dont remember exactly what nozzle I am running.  It is whatever came with my CK kit.  I thought that I might have to get a wider one, but never did and I don't plan on doing anything different.  I run about 10psi on the air.  As for the flow rate through the pump, I really dont know, I just dial it in to where I like the flame and get a clean burn with the metering pump.

Good luck with your project!

Waste Motor Oil / DOT limits on transporting waste oil?
« Last post by ajparry89 on November 08, 2024, 11:32:49 am »
Hello, I am wondering if anybody knows the DOT limits for how much waste oil you can transport legally?  non commercial.  Barrels or totes.  PA if it makes a difference per state.  Been looking around but finding so many conflicting answers.  Thanks everybody!
Metering Pumps / Re: Building a metering pump
« Last post by GerryADS on November 05, 2024, 04:39:01 am »
Hey Russ,

I hope you are well, I hope you don't mind me resurrecting this post  :)

I'm just dipping my toe on the possibility of moving from my constant fill to a metered pump, and wondered if you could help with some more detail please?

I guess the main question is, does the metering pump just pickup the unheated WMO from your WMO supply (already filtered and de-watered) and deliver it to the siphon nozzle without any further heating, other than the nozzle heater? If so did you need to do anything with regards improving the nozzle heater, as in increase the wattage of the cartridge heater, or increase the nozzle temp set point, or does the fact that you are running the siphon nozzle at much higher air pressure, mean that it atomizes and fires easier? Given the increasing air pressure on the siphon nozzle would normally result in a narrower/longer flame, what have been your findings with regards this?

My concern with the angle change, is that I currently use a -9 nozzle, with only 1/2" siphon lift height to generate about 3.2L/h with nearly 80deg angle, due to having a short chamber in my boiler, and from the Delavan charts, I'd be probably have to go down to a -3 nozzle, with 15psi Air but I'd end up with a very narrow angle?

What nozzle, air press & oil flow rate are you running please?

Many thanks,

Waste Motor Oil / Re: question about a waste oil burner
« Last post by coldblooded on March 12, 2024, 07:20:32 pm »
Interesting, I might have to give it a try again myself.  I have worn out at least 2 primarys, so that would certainly help keep the hours down on my current one.

As for the float tank, I dont have any good ideas to make it better.  Like you, I started out with a CL tank, but had many problems with it and finally built a metering pump.  It works great and I highly recommend it.  Here is the topic where I discuss what I did to build it:
Thanks.  I'll consider a metering pump.
Waste Motor Oil / Re: question about a waste oil burner
« Last post by Russ on March 12, 2024, 07:16:44 pm »
Interesting, I might have to give it a try again myself.  I have worn out at least 2 primarys, so that would certainly help keep the hours down on my current one.

As for the float tank, I dont have any good ideas to make it better.  Like you, I started out with a CL tank, but had many problems with it and finally built a metering pump.  It works great and I highly recommend it.  Here is the topic where I discuss what I did to build it:
Metering Pumps / Re: Building a metering pump
« Last post by Russ on March 12, 2024, 07:13:30 pm »
Just an update that is long overdue.  I have been using the pump for several years now with great success.  It is super handy to be able to adjust the RPM of the motor to adjust the fire rate.  Highly recommended.
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