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Messages - gorram

Pages: [1]
User Projects & Pictures / Re: Gorram's RS Heater
« on: October 11, 2009, 01:15:44 pm »
Hi Russ,  no, not worried about a burn-down.  The wood burning airtight that is now on backup duty ran at least as hot as my oil burner.  My tent is 15x14, lots of uninsulated space to heat.

Ya, she heats up real good.  So far it's been fairly warm when I've been at my tent camp, so I've not had the chance to "open her up" in a real world situation.  She runs nice 200-300F when needed though.               
 It's 1.5hrs from home, so I don't get there as often as I'd like.  But on my driveway at home (test run) she easily ran 450F.

My own touch is on the "manifold" and a few other places, but the real star is RS's great burner pot design. it. just. works!

Cheers,  G.   :D

User Projects & Pictures / Gorram's RS Heater
« on: October 07, 2009, 12:39:27 pm »
There she is, my umo heater in my wall tent at hunting camp!

The "manifold" on top allows me (when filled with kerosene) to purge fuel metering valve (a 1/4 ballvalve) and final delivery line each time I start and shutdown heater.

Cheers,  G.  ;D

Welcome Center / Howdy
« on: April 17, 2009, 03:58:56 pm »
Hi all.
I'm just starting my waste oil heater journey up here @ Crossfield  Alberta, Canada. (just north of Calgary)
I've salvaged a used nat.gas h2o htr, and plan to follow the Roger Sander's program.

First question:  Has anyone tried NOT filtering used auto oil before use?  Seems to me that so long as there is no particulate material larger than the needle valve opening, there should be no trouble???? (he said knowing he has no experience!)

Second question: Short of buying R.S.'s needle valve, does anyone know of a common part with the proper level of control?  Has anyone taken a file to the ball of a ball valve, to allow a more "tapered flow"?

Cheers,  Gorram. (short for "Gorram Reavers" an obscure sci-fi reference)   :)

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