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Messages - Russ

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Waste Motor Oil / Re: Here is a Drawing of my Drip Burner Idea
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:21:33 pm »
I did the search on youtube, but was unable to find your video.  Is there something else I can search on?

Welcome Center / Re: Just joined your forum.
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:19:05 pm »
Welcome fireitup!

Glad you found the forum.  People have came and gone over the years and as you can see, they have contributed some good information to the forum.  I dont know if there are any active drip style members out here this year, but hopefully there are and can answer any questions you might have.

Good luck with your project.  Free fuel is the best!

Waste Motor Oil / Re: let the fun begin
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:27:48 pm »
Thanks for the info.  I will have to look into that as I just picked up a boiler myself today.  After seeing your pictures I just had to do it  ;D

More info to come...

What brand boiler are you using?  It looks new, or pretty new if not.

Fuel Oil Furnaces / Re: Beckett Oil Burner Mods
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:12:25 pm »
I would say by the sound of your description of the burn, that is is burning properly.  I dont know that you would want to turn up the pressure too much.  I believe that you only want a little flame now and then leaving the chamber.

Waste Motor Oil / Re: Here is a Drawing of my Drip Burner Idea
« on: January 04, 2012, 09:08:17 pm »
Hello Teched,

Most of us hanging out here this year are more experienced in the pressure or siphon burner setups.  Hopefully one of the drip system guys will drop by and let you know what they think.

Good luck getting it working!

Fuel Oil Furnaces / Re: Beckett Oil Burner Mods
« on: January 04, 2012, 09:06:50 pm »
Is there a peep hole you can check inside the furnace to see what the flame looks like.  Peek in there and try turning the pressure up a bit.  You would have to attach a gauge in order to find out the pressure.  I would just try turning up and see if that helps.  I would think it should be throwing out some nice warm heat.  Although you are heating an uninsulated garage of pretty fair size and its pretty cold out.

Get working on the waste oil conversion and I bet it would put out some more heat  ;)

Fuel Oil Furnaces / Re: Beckett Oil Burner Mods
« on: January 03, 2012, 10:00:56 pm »
Are you still just burning HHO?    If so, converting to WMO will normally give you more heat.  It is usually recommended to go down a size with your nozzle as the WMO burns hotter.  My furnace recommends a .85 and I run a .70 or .75, cant remember of the top of my head.  I think next tips I get will be even smaller.  My furnace burns very hot.  I have never taken a temp of the output air, but it is definitely hot.  It will heat my 3 car garage up from 45 to 70 in about a half hour to 45 minutes if it is around 20 or so outside.  The garage is insulated.

How hot is the air coming from your funace?  Depending on your flame, you could try adjusting the pump pressure and see if that makes a difference.

If the air coming out is already pretty hot, I wouldnt do anything different as too much heat could damage the inside of the combustion chamber.

Waste Oil Filtering / Re: Auto Filters
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:58:23 pm »
Welcome Dave.

I cant say which one is best, but I have been using a PH8A Fram automotive filter on my setup.  It has worked well for me so far.  Yes, I have heard that the automotive type will bypass if they get too plugged up, but I have never heard for sure about that.

I just be sure to twist on a new fram once in a while as they are quite cheap, although there may be better options out there.  Anyone else?

Waste Motor Oil / Re: let the fun begin
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:54:04 pm »
Wow, wow, wow!  Nice setup Doug.

Can you tell me a little more about the metering pump?  What type of setup is that?

It looks to me like the oil comes out of the tank into some kind of box with a pump on it.  The pump almost looks like one on the side of a burner?  And then goes through some filters and to the boiler?

Thanks for the pictures.  Very nice.

Waste Motor Oil / Re: let the fun begin
« on: January 01, 2012, 10:08:47 pm »
That's awesome Doug.  I'd say you have a successful build.

If you have more pictures to post, but are having troubles getting them re-sized and posted, just let me know and I can do it for you.

Thanks for the update.

Welcome Center / Re: Hello from Forestport, NY
« on: December 31, 2011, 10:16:38 am »
I think you are on the right track.  Waste oil provides some serious heat.  And it will be vented heat.  I used to use a salamander burning propane, but the fumes almost killed me.  No more unvented heaters for me... just too dangerous.

Good luck on your project.  Keep us updated!

Waste Motor Oil / Re: Beckett AFG Burner Install opinions (PICS)
« on: December 31, 2011, 01:07:30 am »
Please take a look at the link in reply #7 above.

Hopefully that will answer some of your questions as it is a pressure system just like you are looking to build.

No, a metal fuel cell is not required, although it is probably the safest.  I use a plastic 5 gallon bucket and it works fine for what I need.

You will need a preheater installed in your burner.  The oil needs to be heated just before it gets to the nozzle.  Do you know someone with access to a machine shop?  This will not be a simple job without access to a machine shop.  Again, take a look at my link above and you will see how the heater block was made for mine.

Hope that answers some of your questions.  Let us know if you have more.

Waste Motor Oil / Re: Beckett AFG Burner Install opinions (PICS)
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:04:34 pm »
Not to be confused, as there are 2 different ways you can convert your heater.

1. Pressure system.  Requires a preheater to heat the oil to make it thin enough to spray through the nozzle.
2. Siphon system.  Requires a preheater also in addition to a compressed air source and constant leveling tank.

Both systems will also need a temp controller to regulate the heat of the preheater.  The pressure system will be the cheaper route, but not as reliable as the siphon system.

Hope that makes sense.  At any rate, you will need to convert your system to one or the other to burn waste oil.  The oil is just too thick to burn without a preheater.

Waste Motor Oil / Re: Beckett AFG Burner Install opinions (PICS)
« on: December 30, 2011, 03:59:33 pm »
Good to see the progress.  Interesting tank, but I guess it does the job  ;)

Are you burning fuel oil for now?

You are correct, the most reliable system is a siphon system.  But that requires a few key items.  Compressed air and a constant leveling tank for starters.  This was a little more elaborate than I wanted as well, so I just added a block heater to mine and left it a pressure system.  If you havent seen it, here is a link:

The most difficult part with my system is getting it lit.  I have to turn up the heat quite a bit on the pre-heater and sometimes take a few tries to get it going.  It will start then slowly go out.  I think the block doesnt heat it up quick enough and the thick oil wont mist out the tip well enough.  After it is running and things warm up, then it is good to go.  I warm it up good in the garage, then shut it off.

If it were cycling on and off without me being there, it certainly wouldnt work.

Keep us updated on how it is working.

Stay warm!

Waste Motor Oil / Re: Beckett AFG Burner Install opinions (PICS)
« on: December 27, 2011, 09:12:01 pm »
Looks like a fine unit.  It should do the job for you just fine.

Yes, if you are going to burn things thicker than fuel oil, you will need to heat it up to get it to spray out of the nozzle properly.

Look around the forum and you will see ideas on how to outfit your beckett burner with a preheater.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Good luck in your build.

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