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Messages - Russ

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I have never seen one of these devices, but it sounds like it would probably work.  I found some more info on it here:

Is this like the one you are talking about?

Buy - Sell - Trade / Re: looking for a barometric damper, draft regulator
« on: February 16, 2012, 07:43:19 pm »
Wow, does it really cost that much to ship there?  Seems a bit steep, but maybe thats what it costs?

Waste Oil Filtering / Re: Auto Filters
« on: January 29, 2012, 07:48:05 pm »
Good idea Doug, thanks for sharing.  Is my drawing correct the way you were thinking?

Waste Oil Filtering / Re: Auto Filters
« on: January 29, 2012, 10:00:13 am »
Good info there Doug.  Interesting fact on the fram filter.  I should probably put a gauge on mine.

Farmer Dave brings up a good question, with a siphon system, can you put a filter between the constant level tank and the burner?  Will there be enough suction to do this?  I am thinking probably not and that the oil should be filtered before it gets to the constant level tank.

What is the best way to do this when using a constant level tank?

Waste Motor Oil / Re: let the fun begin
« on: January 28, 2012, 10:45:38 pm »
Looks like you did a good job on it.  I ordered a Kagi on Friday.  I dont know if I have the skills to build it myself.  Thanks for the info.

Waste Motor Oil / Re: let the fun begin
« on: January 26, 2012, 10:59:54 pm »
Hi Doug,

Just wondering, what retention head did you use on your burner?

I hear the stock ones arent the best and sounds like the Kagi ones are the way to go.  Not sure how much they are though.


User Projects & Pictures / Re: New Burnham Boiler Project
« on: January 26, 2012, 08:25:21 pm »
Auberins SYL-2352 PID controller: $60.59
Opto Solid State Relays: $28.00

Will get the float valve tomorrow and that should do it.  Wow, lots of stuff to get.

Welcome Center / Re: Hello from Spain
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:08:29 pm »
Hello Adrian,

Glad you stopped by.  Hope you learn lots, and yes, burning used motor oil is a good source of cheap heat.

Check out the forum and let us know if you have any questions.

Talk to you later...


User Projects & Pictures / Re: New Burnham Boiler Project
« on: January 21, 2012, 11:59:42 am »
Parts are starting to show up.  I'm going to keep a running total of all of my parts throughout this thread.  Just don't let my wife see it  ;)

I went with all 1/8" air connections.  After thought tells me I probably should have did 1/4".  Hopefully with the low pressure it wont matter.

Burnham boiler found on craigslist: $250
Ckburners preheater block: $160
Arrow R161 air regulator (ebay including shipping): $13.80
Weksler/Ashcroft 0-15 pressure gauge (ebay including shipping): $11.00
Asco U8262C2 air solenoid valve 110V (ebay including shipping): $33.00
Beckett 5432 flange & gasket ( fulfilled by Grainger shipped): $10.11
Ceramic fiber blanket (replace damaged flue clean out): $15.49

More parts coming next week.  Almost time to start getting to work...

User Projects & Pictures / Re: New Burnham Boiler Project
« on: January 18, 2012, 11:10:21 pm »
Yes, with that swing open door it should be a snap to get in and clean.

No, I have a ckburners block sitting here on my desk.  Just waiting for the rest of the parts to show up.  Hoping that the siphon system will be more reliable and will start easier. 

The house is currently heated by an off peak electric plenum heater inside a propane forced air furnace.  I am just hoping to get some of the heat into the house to lower the heating bill a little.  I might experiment with plumbing it into the plenum at some point, but will just start out with a radiator and fan in the 4' crawl space for now.

Cant wait to get started!

User Projects & Pictures / New Burnham Boiler Project
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:11:38 pm »
Here is my new project.  Doug was the inspiration to this project.  Have been heating the garage with my forced air pressure system, but I wanted a way to get some of the heat into the house.  It will be in the garage and will provide heat for the house and the garage.  More details to come.

Waste Motor Oil / Re: let the fun begin
« on: January 12, 2012, 10:55:50 pm »
Hi Doug,

The boiler will be in the garage, but I will be piping the hot water in the house also.  Will just be heating the 4' crawl space below the house.  I will just let the heat find its own way up and see how that works.

You mentioned going from an open system to low pressure closed.  With the boiler I will be setting up, do I HAVE to make it closed?  My thought was to maybe use a couple of 55 gallon barrels for thermal storage.  Will the circulator pump stay primed as long as the in and out of the 55 gallon barrel is below the water level.  I dont know much about the water part of it, so there is some learning to do yet.

Thanks for the info...

Fuel Oil Furnaces / Re: Beckett Oil Burner Mods
« on: January 11, 2012, 05:38:21 pm »
I turn mine a half of a turn to a whole turn sometimes to adjust heat output.  I dont think you would have a problem going a half turn and see what happens.  Some pumps can be outfitted with a gauge that can help see where you are at too.  I think I picked one up at the hardware store for just a few bucks.

Welcome Center / Re: Hello everyone, I'm from Yorkshire, England
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:24:06 pm »
Welcome Alfie!

I have been to that site before, but have never investigated much further.

What type of nozzle do these units use?  Some kind of siphon nozzle, or pressure?

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