Author Topic: Fly dia for drip oil heater?  (Read 9547 times)


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Fly dia for drip oil heater?
« on: February 27, 2023, 03:45:11 pm »
I have a 1800 ft shop in eastern Okla. I  have heated it with a wood stove. I plan on making a drip feed wast
Oil burner. My thought is to use a side draft flue to help retain some of the heat in the chamber a little longer
Than routing it out top of tank. My tank will most likely be a 40 gal hot water tank. I would like to keep it just
drip feed with no forced air. What Dia flue pipe would you recommend? 6” or 4 “. Which would create the best
draw? I know 6” will flow more air volume. But some times more volume will be slower velocity where less dia
such as a 4” could be less air but a higher velocity = more draw. Kinda like a soda straw. Large straw vs smaller
straw. I may be over thinking this, but many of you have been there done this. I hate to buy the flue, & have to
turn around and buy a different dia flue. 

           Please offer your thoughts, thank you!   Fly


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Re: Fly dia for drip oil heater?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2023, 08:08:09 pm »
Welcome Fly,

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with drip systems, but there are a few documented projects out here that will hopefully help you out.  It's pretty quiet around here as of late.  I don't know where everyone is, but unfortunately you might not get a whole lot of active discussion.  But feel free to look around and hopefully some of the others projects will inspire you.

Stay safe!


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Re: Fly dia for drip oil heater?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2023, 07:57:53 am »
Thank you Russ looks like some great folks here. I truly wish this site was easy to find on the net, for it would
get many more hits than it does. Youtube has a huge following, on this subject. But hopefully  more people will
find it. There are many on you tube that build three or four different heaters before finding just what works for
them. I just don,t want to go threw all that if I can avoid that.

Thank you my freind!      Fly