My furnace had been working great, but the other day the flame was not quite right started getting dark and short. Today she wouldn't light up. I cleaned all 3 filters, replaced the nozzel, cleaned oil heater block and air heater block. Verified have spark and even adjusted the electrodes. Still will not fire. Have oil psi at 4 and air around 12 thats where I usually run it. Checked to make sure im getting air to the nozzel and the air diaphram works properly. I ended up pulling the upper combustion chamber cover off so I could look to see if there was any oil mist. Stuck my hand in front of the nozzel (with the transformer disconneded) verifyied there is air flowing through the nozzel but had no oil. I am pulling my hair out trying to get this running. Seems like a fairly simple system but can't figure out why no oil is being sprayed. Hopeing someone can help me with this..