I have a gravity feed parlor stove, with a tank built right on the back, I'm burning half fuel oil and half waste oil, It Goes from the tank through a carburetor, which meters the oil and into a burner bowl, whose inner chamber has very small holes in it, . the colder it gets the harder it is to start but I've always got it going. It puts out a good amount of heat . One problem I'm having is first, what do I want to do with the damper, I'm setting it so it just opens slightly when it is going full on and secondly, It will only work properly if the tank in back is half way empty, more then that and it only candles a flame on high, I have adjusted the float on the carburetor and have it working when it's half empty but why does it not work properly until it is half empty. Do I change the float level up or down or is it something else. Any suggestions will be appreciated.