Okay, it's still not working but I think I have it figured out. I swapped over the two Love PID's I have to 5v output which should work with the SSR, but one won't power up completely and the other shows a set point error. I programmed and reprogrammed and I can't get beyond that, so it won't work. In frustration I went to one of the Rex C-100 PID's I got with another setup. I wired it according to the diagram on the PID, I got lights, a set point, and a good reading from the thermocouple. It also showed the 'Out 1' light indicating that it was energizing the output. Nothing at the relay, and nothing at the back of the PID at the 'Out' terminals checking with a voltmeter. By now I'm pretty frustrated, but with the Rex I'm a lot closer than I have been.....I just need to be able to turn on the freaking heater! I come in and do the google thing, and lo and behold, there are a bunch of 'pirate' PID's out there that were sold as SSR capable but really only had a 10 amp internal relay. I had brought one of the Rex into the house and pulled the case off, and lo and behold, that's what I have- a relay, no SSR output voltage. There is a small transformer in the Rex that puts out 12v that can be jumpered to the output to make it trigger an SSR as it is, but rather than that, I'm just going to use the relay as a switch (which is what it is) and run 24volts from my power supply through it and to the heater relay. When the PID calls for heat it's internal relay closes, 24 volts is supplied to the SSR triggering the power to the heater, voila. At least in theory anyway, we'll see tomorrow, ate too much turkey to go out and mess with it tonight!