I am using sawdust which is mdf/particleboard for a floor dry and it works pretty good and I can sweep it up and burn it too boot!
I am Trying to do it now as I work all thru the summer (rv tech) so now is when I have free time.
The zero start tank heater has been a suprise it worked so well. I am only heating small test batch as the main batch will be heated with the oil fired water heater later. I would like to prepare at least 150 galls before winter is over for long term storage.
I noticed on another site that the guy was using a 1.98 ci hydro pump, that is huge compared to what I have, but I know some guys use a harbour freight water pump with some success, my local princess auto really has nothing like that. I need 100 psi at 1 gpm minimum and be consistent.
Anyway looks like the weather is turning cold again. I will make some more sawdust logs using the sawdust and bottoms of wmo jugs and pack large cardboard tubes. Lasts several hours, good heat, no smoke. I pack them good then leave a hole down the center to get a good burn.
I am thinking of relocating to an old trailer I have so as not to mess up the shop, will look at that this summer.
My mix at this time for the shop is 25% rug to wmo or wvo (nice canola oil). Pump on the Beckett is about 150 psi with a .75 nozzel. Flame fills the pot and I have a small piece of steel in the pot to absorb heat tand help with combustion. Using just a standard general felt filter. WVO is filtered once thru a fabric shopping bag filter after settling. My wmo is filtered once thru a maple syrup sock bag filter. No plugging of nozzel in 2.5 years.
Take care all and post!