awfully cold in here, guess everyone is trying to keep warm. Been a tough week trying to stay warm and not burn up the woodpile....
Been working a bit in the shop, burnt about 10 galls of wmo/wvo blended with rug. The house I have been trying to extend the wood so I have been mixing a slurry of wmo or wvo , mdf and particle board sawdust in a cardboard tube with a hole down the centre. At -28C we go thru a lot of wood in this house (forced air) and this has been working very well if I have the draft blower on for excess air. I added a bit of snow to the sawdust and found that it helped to generate a bit of steam in the burn and help clean out soot.
In the shop a lot of wvo has water in it already and I leave it in suspension with the rug and find that my soot levels are fairly light. I measured the stack temp and found I am about 550 F after 30 min with intake air starting around 30 F and stopping around 60 F as I do not need it any warmer than that to work in. You can tell the difference from wvo to mo in that extra heat coming out the blower!
I stopped work on the metering pump for now, I am only getting a dribble out the pipe with the bypass spring out, gasket blocking the ports. My oil is aout SAE 50 so I put this on hold for now. May have to go electric pump and set it up as a 2 pipe unit. That can wait till later. I am redoing my setup for my centrifuge and heater and am redoing all the plumbing then will relocate it to a corner of the shop. After fuging I will pump into indoor fiberglass double wall tank as a clean wmo source to be blended into the day tank later. I will have a dump tank poly with a continuous 10 micron filter on it prior to fuging, likely using a suntec pump Hot tank is a John Wood 30 gallon oil fired heater I scored sometime ago. My pump is a hydraulic .16 cui that can easily generate volume and pressure for the fuge.
I keep my wvo separate in 45 gallon poly drums settling and take off what I need daily using a parts washer pump hanging in the mix. Viscosity is a bit much say 40 W but it works ok on the pump and lets me slowly blend with rug.
Some ask why am I not making black hho for the house? I do a bit but it is a HE unit sidewall vent and I do not want to soot it up as I have no brushes for the heat exchanger. I will add some wvo blended later in the spring and will do some lightly blended wmo later. I turned the pump up to 120 but I am only on a .5 gph nozzle so I need to be careful and not mess it up and screw up the auto backup feature when i am not home.
Too cold and snow too deep to be in the woods, my machine will not plow thru the deep snow right now without a tril or being plowed.
Any way stay warm