Old doesn't mean bad.
Reading the malady of melt-down during R&D leaves me curious. If I remember correctly, aluminum melts around 800 F.
- That alone makes it completely unsuitable for a burner plate.
What did Bucky finally use that would stand the heat produced?
I'm trying to dodge cutting a bigger hole (requires a new door, sealing, etc.) to use a cast iron Dutch oven.
Because this is going into my house, cleanliness is mandatory.
Fuel & fire must be properly contained with no black oozing onto the hearth.
When I was a kid in the cold & snowy mountains (1/2 a century ago), many folk used oil stoves with the fire contained & little or no chimney smoke visible. Warmed to a usable constant viscosity, filtered waste oil should (should, I say) exhibit flow, burn, and heat production characteristics similar to #2 stove oil.
Rant off. Fire at will.