I have started to make a prototype forced air heater. I would like some input and help on a few things.
Firstly it is a piece of pipe that is roughly 9" OD and about 1 1/2" feet tall. I have welded into the side a 3" pipe.
The idea is to drip fuel into that 3" pipe and the fuel should roll or dribble into the "burning" chamber as it is forced from behind by the air from the fan.
The first test burn did actually burn but man was it smokey. I can only compare to one of these.
http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi1041.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fb418%2Fhq2door%2FIMAG0082.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aussiev8.com.au%2Fmembers-lounge%2F58549-how-do-you-heat-your-shed-workshop-2.html&h=1023&w=612&tbnid=RwzOub4GRyNxkM%3A&zoom=1&docid=QbxCt5MtNlyneM&ei=O-F2U_LLCoG1lQXs6oGoDQ&tbm=isch&client=opera&ved=0CFUQMygCMAI&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=271&page=1&start=0&ndsp=40Which once up to temperature would run hot and clean.
So I guess I am trying to get a similar amount of heat (BTU's) from my build.
So far I made up a little bowl to hold a small amount of diesel, this was a bit a pipe about 4" OD and say 4" tall that I put about 2-3 cups of diesel into. Then that was placed inside the bigger combustion tube and lit.
Yes it did burn, but was very smokey. You can't see it in the photo but it was smokey smokey.
Also make up a temporary lid with a hold and 3" pipe that is just sitting on top of the bigger burn tube. The though is that it should keep the flame inside the burning chamber more and heat it up better.
After the fuel burned out, I poured another 2-3 cups down the air intake tube. This time that fuel was not in the inner bowl but on the floor of the main pipe. Still burned and still smokey.
Had a look when it stopped burning, which was not very long at all... and the smaller 4" pipe inside was a dull/slightly brighter red colour.
What is causing the smoke? Is it too much fuel and not enough air? Is the whole thing not hot enough yet?