I've been tweaking the 40 gallon drip style furnace I've had for the past 3 years, and as for heat output A+++++ as for soot...F- ! I filter the motor oil with a gravity feed 5 gallon hydraulic filter set up and a second time inline to the furnace using a automotive fuel filter. I'm getting (when almost at full feed) well over 1000 degrees (my infared thermo maxes out at 999) but after all the filtering and all the heat (using a burning dish I made out of 1/2 plate steel tappered to a dish with 3/8 lip welded on) my soot output is unbearable. I'm debating on going to the Ozzirt design but fear it may be a waste of effort and i'd be back at square one. Any help would be great! BTW HI I'm new!
It gets the stove shell at flame height glowing red at almost wide open feed (I don't go wide open for fear of melting the tank shell)
burn dish
furnace at 3/4 feed