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Messages - Farmer Dave

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OK I think I got it.  I had a missing wire.  #2 to #3.  But the thing gets hot fast.  And I can only see it in centigrade, so I'm trying to convert it at the same time.  I've heard some not so great reviews about this particular PID, so I might get another one.  Thanks for the help.

Hi Doug.  Thanks for the reply.  I've looked it over, and understand that much.  I know where the power goes in, where the thermocouple goes, and the alarm, but I'm trying to figure out mainly how to wire in the relay with the heater cartridge.  If I match up the relay with the relay picture on the control, nothing will happen.  It'll just be a mirror.  I'm wondering if somebody has a burner kit from CK Burners.  Since that is pretty much the siphon system I'm trying to mimic.   :-\

I'm just going to throw this out there.  Not trying to sound like I want somebody to do this for me, but I'm not the best with electronics like these.  I have a REX-C100 controller with a K type thermocouple.  The instructions that came with it, show me nothing about how to wire it.  So I had to kind of make sense of it myself.  And I think something is wrong.  And the instructions from the manufacturer site are misleading.  Because the terminals aren't in the same location as the label on the actual controller.  So I'm hoping somebody could just tell me what to put where. 

Also, I can't seem to get it to convert to Fahrenheit, by following the instructions given.  Probably due to my lack of understanding.

The different manufacturer's instructions are here

And the way I have it wired is pictured.

Thanks for any help.

Waste Oil Filtering / Auto Filters
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:27:30 pm »
Hello everybody.  I'm new here, and am looking for all kinds of help and input for building my burner.   I was thinking about either an auto filter or home water filter.  I've been reading about the possibilities of the reaction with the plastics in water filters.  But I know that some auto filters have valves in them that require a certain about of pressure to open them and allow a flow (ie. Harley twin cam filters).  This would be near impossible for me, because I'm going to doing a siphon burner, and it wouldn't have the pressure to open a valve.  Is there a particular filter that is preferred?

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