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Messages - dirtykid

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Waste Motor Oil / Re: A partial abortion
« on: January 18, 2016, 06:21:49 pm »
Thanks ! .. After an hour or more of searching i somehow stumbled across a business phone number i recognized. It happened to be the same place our late friend worked at !! They knew exactly what i had and offered some tips that we had already covered..  EXCEPT the filter... Turns out they recommend replacing it at least every other year... My buddy has NEVER changed it in 8 years..  So thats $20. And the suntech pump they now use is the A2RA7440. They want $179 for it, which is about $100 higher than my cost from suntech, but since my buddy got by so cheap for so long, I figure he can pay them their markup, and I'll order a spare for him... This problem is much like many others I ran across in the HVAC field in that it could be prevented with some preventative maintenance...  The subject line was a punch line a guy i used to work with used the last day we worked together.. A business owner had tried to cobble together a rooftop economizer with various crap he found at the hardware store and had removed and thrown away important components.. 2 hours into this service call and were trying to read elec diagrams trying to figure out what owner removed and the guy comes up on the roof to ask what we had found.... Old Cliff looked the guy in the eye and said A f#!$ing partial abortion is what we found !! I came into work the next day and was told Cliff got let go... Great service man,, terrible tact.

Waste Motor Oil / Re: A partial abortion
« on: January 18, 2016, 02:53:48 pm »
PS: I would have our mutual friend get his arse back out here and figure it out, but he committed suicide last year,, leaving us all with more questions than answers...  It truly is the most selfish act a person can commit..
So any help is greatly appreciated  !!

Waste Motor Oil / A partial abortion
« on: January 18, 2016, 02:50:21 pm »
That's the mess I walked myself into..
Got a friend, a mutual friend of ours used to install waste oil burners, set this "Blackgold" brand heater up for him in his garage.. Well my buddy moved to bigger shop, and I helped him move heater to new shop.. Now it wont pump oil uphill 6ft..  A couple of the copper lines had terrible flare jobs done originally, so I replaced them with good tight fittings.. I took the pump out of line, stuck it in a bucket and ran the shaft with a drill.. I figured even the lower RPM of a drill would produce some dribble or something out of the pump... Nothing
The original "DELTA" brand pump model # CV2RR is next to impossible to find, I managed to cross it over to a "Webster", but that model seems to be only available from factory, special order...
It has check valve on bottom of suction line inside tank, seemed to move freely... It has another check valve AFTER the pump, which I don't think is really necessary, (Once the oil goes up, the check valve in the tank should keep it there right ?)
I am at a loss,,
I even went so far as to blow compressed air into the tank, pressurizing the backside of the suction tube, and then took the line off at the burner, and wrapped my hand around it so that I could use a shop-vac to create suction,, all while the pump was running.. Not even a drop...
Help !!

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