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Messages - EricV

Pages: [1]
Welcome Center / Hello from Nova Scotia, Canada
« on: November 17, 2010, 05:45:21 pm »
I've just somewhat completed my first MEN waste motor oil heater/furnace.  I tested it last weekend and realize that I need to work on the oil delivery method, other than gravity feed through a 1/4" o.d. (1/8" i.d.) copper piping, which is preheated by wrap around the stovepipe just above the salvaged hot water heater tank body of the furnace/heater, and dripping onto the burner assembly.

I was quite excited after a few years of contemplating working on this small project, that I had finally had it ready to burn the waste motor oil and felt the first BTU's generated, after working out some air bubbles out of the copper piping.

It currently sits in my small outdoor garage, with about 7' of the total 10' of basic black stovepipe disassembled from the main tank, with 3' of the black stovepipe permanently attached.

I'm no engineer, by any stretch of the imagination, but I fancy myself a 'tinkerer' with this project.  I eventually hope to use it outside of the dwelling I'm in - a small bungalow - like an outdoor furnace, once I get an enclosure to put it in.  I'm not really interested in having to deal with codes and liabilities within the dwelling, as I am renting.

It's nice to have found this website. I am looking forward to learning, and... contributing, if that's possible.

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